16-inch softball

16-inch softball (sometimes called clincher, mushball, cabbageball, puffball, blooperball, smushball and Chicago ball) is a variant of softball, but using a larger, softer ball with no gloves or mitts on the fielders. It more closely resembles the original game as developed in Chicago in the 19th century by George Hancock, and today it remains most popular in Chicago, New Orleans, Portland, Oregon, where leagues have existed since the 1960s, and Atlanta, Georgia. It also saw some popularity in Nashville, Tennessee, in the early 1980s.

16-inch softball

16-inch softball (sometimes called clincher, mushball, cabbageball, puffball, blooperball, smushball and Chicago ball) is a variant of softball, but using a larger, softer ball with no gloves or mitts on the fielders. It more closely resembles the original game as developed in Chicago in the 19th century by George Hancock, and today it remains most popular in Chicago, New Orleans, Portland, Oregon, where leagues have existed since the 1960s, and Atlanta, Georgia. It also saw some popularity in Nashville, Tennessee, in the early 1980s.