1666 Articles of Peace and Amity

The 1666 Articles of Peace and Amity were signed 20 April 1666 between the Province of Maryland and 12 Eastern Algonquian-speaking indigenous nations, including the Piscataway, Anacostanck, Doegs, Mikikiwomans, Manasquesend, Mattawoman, Chingwawateick, Hangemaick, Portobackes, Sacayo, Panyayo, and Choptico. The treaty established the right of Native peoples to remain on their lands and preserved the inviolable right of Native peoples to fishing, crabbing, hunting, and fowling. The treaty states "If an Indian kill an Englishman he shall dye for itt", however execution is only prescribed if an "English man shall kill any Indian that shall come vnpaynted". The treaty permitted Englishmen to kill Native people who enter an English plantation "painted", stating that "the English cannot easily d

1666 Articles of Peace and Amity

The 1666 Articles of Peace and Amity were signed 20 April 1666 between the Province of Maryland and 12 Eastern Algonquian-speaking indigenous nations, including the Piscataway, Anacostanck, Doegs, Mikikiwomans, Manasquesend, Mattawoman, Chingwawateick, Hangemaick, Portobackes, Sacayo, Panyayo, and Choptico. The treaty established the right of Native peoples to remain on their lands and preserved the inviolable right of Native peoples to fishing, crabbing, hunting, and fowling. The treaty states "If an Indian kill an Englishman he shall dye for itt", however execution is only prescribed if an "English man shall kill any Indian that shall come vnpaynted". The treaty permitted Englishmen to kill Native people who enter an English plantation "painted", stating that "the English cannot easily d