1704 in poetry

Nationality words link to articles with information on the nation's poetry or literature (for instance, Irish or France). Now the Assembly [the Kit-Kat Club] to adjourn prepar'd, When Bibliopolo from behind appear'dAs well describ'd by th' old Satyrick Bard,With leering Looks, Bull-fac'd , and Freckled fair,With two left Legs; and Judas-colour'd [red] Hair,With Frowzy Pores, that taint the ambient Air.Sweating and Puffing for a-while he stood.And then broke forth in this insulting Mood: I am the Touchstone of all Modern Wit, That in my Miscellany plant their Name.

1704 in poetry

Nationality words link to articles with information on the nation's poetry or literature (for instance, Irish or France). Now the Assembly [the Kit-Kat Club] to adjourn prepar'd, When Bibliopolo from behind appear'dAs well describ'd by th' old Satyrick Bard,With leering Looks, Bull-fac'd , and Freckled fair,With two left Legs; and Judas-colour'd [red] Hair,With Frowzy Pores, that taint the ambient Air.Sweating and Puffing for a-while he stood.And then broke forth in this insulting Mood: I am the Touchstone of all Modern Wit, That in my Miscellany plant their Name.