1898 in Afghanistan

The following lists events that happened during 1898 in Afghanistan. The state of Afghanistan is peaceful and quiet throughout the year, with few exceptions. The amir suffers much inconvenience and loss through the frontier disturbances, and to steer a middle course between the fanatical forces about him and his foreign obligations is difficult. He is accused of harbouring Afridi refugees, but since they are fugitive Muslims, the amir by his religion is bound not to repel them when seeking refuge without prearrangement. The amir is not implicated in supplying arms and ammunition to the tribesmen. Across the Indian border, the First Mohmand Campaign in the North-West Frontier Province finishes in January 1898.

1898 in Afghanistan

The following lists events that happened during 1898 in Afghanistan. The state of Afghanistan is peaceful and quiet throughout the year, with few exceptions. The amir suffers much inconvenience and loss through the frontier disturbances, and to steer a middle course between the fanatical forces about him and his foreign obligations is difficult. He is accused of harbouring Afridi refugees, but since they are fugitive Muslims, the amir by his religion is bound not to repel them when seeking refuge without prearrangement. The amir is not implicated in supplying arms and ammunition to the tribesmen. Across the Indian border, the First Mohmand Campaign in the North-West Frontier Province finishes in January 1898.