1902 in Afghanistan

The following lists events that happened during 1902 in Afghanistan. The first year of Habibullah Khan's reign passes without any internal disturbance, or event of importance. Gen. , who was imprisoned by the late amir, is released and reinstated in his old post of commander-in-chief, or rather of Naib, or deputy commander-in-chief, for this is the title by which the successors of the late Gen. in the command of the Army have been designated. The amir is said to be reluctant to confer the full appointment on anyone, and there is a belief current that he is likely to keep it for Yahya Khan, whose daughter, whom he lately married, has become his favourite wife. Yahya Khan is at present in great favour with the amir, and his position in Kabul not unnaturally excites the jealousy both of the

1902 in Afghanistan

The following lists events that happened during 1902 in Afghanistan. The first year of Habibullah Khan's reign passes without any internal disturbance, or event of importance. Gen. , who was imprisoned by the late amir, is released and reinstated in his old post of commander-in-chief, or rather of Naib, or deputy commander-in-chief, for this is the title by which the successors of the late Gen. in the command of the Army have been designated. The amir is said to be reluctant to confer the full appointment on anyone, and there is a belief current that he is likely to keep it for Yahya Khan, whose daughter, whom he lately married, has become his favourite wife. Yahya Khan is at present in great favour with the amir, and his position in Kabul not unnaturally excites the jealousy both of the