1974 Los Angeles International Airport bombing

The 1974 Los Angeles International Airport bombing occurred on August 6, 1974 in the overseas passenger terminal lobby of Pan American World Airways at the Los Angeles International Airport. The attack killed three people and injured 36 others. The attack was perpetrated by 37-year-old Yugoslavian immigrant Muharem Kurbegovic, who was arrested two weeks after the bombing. Kurbegovic was eventually found guilty of first-degree murder for committing the bombing and an additional attack. He was sentenced to life in prison.

1974 Los Angeles International Airport bombing

The 1974 Los Angeles International Airport bombing occurred on August 6, 1974 in the overseas passenger terminal lobby of Pan American World Airways at the Los Angeles International Airport. The attack killed three people and injured 36 others. The attack was perpetrated by 37-year-old Yugoslavian immigrant Muharem Kurbegovic, who was arrested two weeks after the bombing. Kurbegovic was eventually found guilty of first-degree murder for committing the bombing and an additional attack. He was sentenced to life in prison.