1994 Republika Srpska Contact Group partition plan referendum

A referendum on the Contact Group plan was held in Republika Srpska on 28 August 1994, after the National Assembly had rejected the plan on 8 August. The plan would give 49% of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Serbs, around a third less than they held at the time. It was rejected by 97% of voters. Following the referendum, Bosnian Serb President Radovan Karadžić said "We will ask for another map... We expect a new conference, new peace efforts." However, the Contact Group (the United States, Russia, Britain, France and Germany) claimed the referendum was a sham.

1994 Republika Srpska Contact Group partition plan referendum

A referendum on the Contact Group plan was held in Republika Srpska on 28 August 1994, after the National Assembly had rejected the plan on 8 August. The plan would give 49% of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Serbs, around a third less than they held at the time. It was rejected by 97% of voters. Following the referendum, Bosnian Serb President Radovan Karadžić said "We will ask for another map... We expect a new conference, new peace efforts." However, the Contact Group (the United States, Russia, Britain, France and Germany) claimed the referendum was a sham.