1 Delphini

1 Delphini is a shell star with stable emission lines in the constellation of Delphinus. 1 Delphini consists of three components. 1 Delphini A, the brightest of them, has a magnitude of 6.1; 1 Delphini B located around 0.9 arcsecconds from 1 Delphini A has an apparent magnitude of 8.1; and 1 Delphini C located much farther away at around 17 arcseconds from component A is the faintest with a magnitude of around 14. Due to the stability of the emission lines data from 1 Delphini has been used for developing models of shell stars and Be stars.

1 Delphini

1 Delphini is a shell star with stable emission lines in the constellation of Delphinus. 1 Delphini consists of three components. 1 Delphini A, the brightest of them, has a magnitude of 6.1; 1 Delphini B located around 0.9 arcsecconds from 1 Delphini A has an apparent magnitude of 8.1; and 1 Delphini C located much farther away at around 17 arcseconds from component A is the faintest with a magnitude of around 14. Due to the stability of the emission lines data from 1 Delphini has been used for developing models of shell stars and Be stars.