1st Coastal Division

The 1st Coastal Division, formerly known as the Brigade of the Chargers (Arabic: لواء العاديات‎), is a Syrian rebel group that is affiliated with the Free Syrian Army and has been vetted by the Friends of Syria Group. It received TOW missiles and operates in the Idlib and northern Latakia governorates. The group received training and funding from Qatar. It is a former member of the Ahfad al-Rasul Brigades.

1st Coastal Division

The 1st Coastal Division, formerly known as the Brigade of the Chargers (Arabic: لواء العاديات‎), is a Syrian rebel group that is affiliated with the Free Syrian Army and has been vetted by the Friends of Syria Group. It received TOW missiles and operates in the Idlib and northern Latakia governorates. The group received training and funding from Qatar. It is a former member of the Ahfad al-Rasul Brigades.