2009 Catalan independence referendum in Arenys de Munt

The Arenys de Munt query on Catalonia independence was a municipal non-binding query promoted by the Moviment Arenyenc per l'Autodeterminació (Arenyenc Movement for Self-determination) held in Arenys de Munt on 13 September 2009. The query was formulated exclusively for residents of this village on the following question: Està d'acord que Catalunya esdevingui un Estat de dret, independent, democràtic i social, integrat a la Unió Europea? (Do you agree on Catalonia becoming an independent, democratic and social State of law, integrated in the European Union?).

2009 Catalan independence referendum in Arenys de Munt

The Arenys de Munt query on Catalonia independence was a municipal non-binding query promoted by the Moviment Arenyenc per l'Autodeterminació (Arenyenc Movement for Self-determination) held in Arenys de Munt on 13 September 2009. The query was formulated exclusively for residents of this village on the following question: Està d'acord que Catalunya esdevingui un Estat de dret, independent, democràtic i social, integrat a la Unió Europea? (Do you agree on Catalonia becoming an independent, democratic and social State of law, integrated in the European Union?).