2009 Connecticut vs. Syracuse men's basketball game

The 2009 Connecticut vs. Syracuse men's basketball game was a quarterfinal game of the 2009 Big East Men's Basketball Tournament between the No. 18 Syracuse Orange (No. 6 seed in Big East Tournament) and No. 3 Connecticut (UConn) Huskies. The 2009 UConn–Syracuse basketball game took place on Thursday, March 12, 2009 at Madison Square Garden in New York City, more specifically in Manhattan.

2009 Connecticut vs. Syracuse men's basketball game

The 2009 Connecticut vs. Syracuse men's basketball game was a quarterfinal game of the 2009 Big East Men's Basketball Tournament between the No. 18 Syracuse Orange (No. 6 seed in Big East Tournament) and No. 3 Connecticut (UConn) Huskies. The 2009 UConn–Syracuse basketball game took place on Thursday, March 12, 2009 at Madison Square Garden in New York City, more specifically in Manhattan.