2009 Equatorial Guinean presidential election

Presidential elections were held in Equatorial Guinea on November 29, 2009. Teodoro Obiang Nguema, who has been President since 1979, ran for another term and won re-election with 95.8% of the vote, according to official results. Opposition leader Plácido Micó Abogo placed second with 3.6%. However, international observers and the main opposition candidate questioned the legitimacy of this election, noting the poor management which created an unfriendly field for other candidates to take part, media manipulation and the unbalanced results.

2009 Equatorial Guinean presidential election

Presidential elections were held in Equatorial Guinea on November 29, 2009. Teodoro Obiang Nguema, who has been President since 1979, ran for another term and won re-election with 95.8% of the vote, according to official results. Opposition leader Plácido Micó Abogo placed second with 3.6%. However, international observers and the main opposition candidate questioned the legitimacy of this election, noting the poor management which created an unfriendly field for other candidates to take part, media manipulation and the unbalanced results.