2015 Červený Kameň mid-air collision

On 20 August 2015, two L-410 Turbolet aircraft on a skydiving formation flight collided mid-air and crashed near the village of Červený Kameň, Slovakia. The aircraft were carrying 17 parachutists and 2 crew each. All four crew members and three skydivers were killed, but the other 31 parachutists managed to jump safely before the aircraft crashed to the ground.

2015 Červený Kameň mid-air collision

On 20 August 2015, two L-410 Turbolet aircraft on a skydiving formation flight collided mid-air and crashed near the village of Červený Kameň, Slovakia. The aircraft were carrying 17 parachutists and 2 crew each. All four crew members and three skydivers were killed, but the other 31 parachutists managed to jump safely before the aircraft crashed to the ground.