2016 Aleppo summer campaign

The 2016 Aleppo summer campaign started with a military operation launched on the northern outskirts of Aleppo in late June 2016, by the Syrian Arab Army. The aim of the offensive was to cut the last rebel supply line into Aleppo city. The battle was also notable for the large loss of top rebel field commanders, with about three dozen being killed. By early September, Syrian government troops had cemented their siege of the rebel part of the city.

2016 Aleppo summer campaign

The 2016 Aleppo summer campaign started with a military operation launched on the northern outskirts of Aleppo in late June 2016, by the Syrian Arab Army. The aim of the offensive was to cut the last rebel supply line into Aleppo city. The battle was also notable for the large loss of top rebel field commanders, with about three dozen being killed. By early September, Syrian government troops had cemented their siege of the rebel part of the city.