2016 Macedonian protests

In April 2016, protests began in the Republic of Macedonia against the incumbent President Gjorgje Ivanov and the government led by the interim Prime Minister Emil Dimitriev from the ruling VMRO-DPMNE party. Referred to by some as the Colorful Revolution (Macedonian: Шарена револуција), the protests have started after the controversial decision by President Gjorgje Ivanov to stop the investigation against former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and dozens of politicians who were allegedly involved in a wiretapping scandal. The demonstrations were organized by "Protestiram" (I protest) and supported from coalition led by the Social Democratic Union of Macedonia, and other opposition parties, also the newly formed Levica (The Left) demanding that the government resigns for the formation of a t

2016 Macedonian protests

In April 2016, protests began in the Republic of Macedonia against the incumbent President Gjorgje Ivanov and the government led by the interim Prime Minister Emil Dimitriev from the ruling VMRO-DPMNE party. Referred to by some as the Colorful Revolution (Macedonian: Шарена револуција), the protests have started after the controversial decision by President Gjorgje Ivanov to stop the investigation against former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and dozens of politicians who were allegedly involved in a wiretapping scandal. The demonstrations were organized by "Protestiram" (I protest) and supported from coalition led by the Social Democratic Union of Macedonia, and other opposition parties, also the newly formed Levica (The Left) demanding that the government resigns for the formation of a t