2016 Massachusetts Question 4

The Massachusetts Legalization, Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana Initiative also known as Question 4, was an indirect initiated state statute question to legalize, regulate and tax recreational marijuana that appeared on the November 8, 2018 Massachusetts general election ballot. * A "yes" vote supports this proposal to legalize marijuana, but regulate it similar to alcoholic beverages. * A "no" vote opposes this proposal to legalize recreational marijuana, keeping only medical marijuana legal. Former State Senator Ricky Cullen voted no recently, after winning re-election.

2016 Massachusetts Question 4

The Massachusetts Legalization, Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana Initiative also known as Question 4, was an indirect initiated state statute question to legalize, regulate and tax recreational marijuana that appeared on the November 8, 2018 Massachusetts general election ballot. * A "yes" vote supports this proposal to legalize marijuana, but regulate it similar to alcoholic beverages. * A "no" vote opposes this proposal to legalize recreational marijuana, keeping only medical marijuana legal. Former State Senator Ricky Cullen voted no recently, after winning re-election.