2020 Brazil rainforest wildfires

The 2020 Brazil rainforest wildfires are a series of forest fires that are affecting Brazil, with 44,013 outbreaks of fires registered between January and August in the Amazonas and Pantanal. Within the Amazon, 6,315 outbreaks of fire were detected in the same period. Within the Pantanal, the volume of fires is equivalent to those of the past six years and there have been actions by NGOs and volunteers to save endangered animals, such as the jaguar. It is expected that the health systems of the Amazon region, already overloaded by the COVID-19 pandemic, will be even more overloaded due to respiratory diseases due to smoke emitted by the wildfires.

2020 Brazil rainforest wildfires

The 2020 Brazil rainforest wildfires are a series of forest fires that are affecting Brazil, with 44,013 outbreaks of fires registered between January and August in the Amazonas and Pantanal. Within the Amazon, 6,315 outbreaks of fire were detected in the same period. Within the Pantanal, the volume of fires is equivalent to those of the past six years and there have been actions by NGOs and volunteers to save endangered animals, such as the jaguar. It is expected that the health systems of the Amazon region, already overloaded by the COVID-19 pandemic, will be even more overloaded due to respiratory diseases due to smoke emitted by the wildfires.