2020 Clemson vs. Notre Dame football game

The 2020 Clemson vs. Notre Dame football game was a regular season college football game between ACC members Clemson (Undefeated and ranked #1 in the nation) and Notre Dame (Undefeated and ranked #4 in the nation). The game took place at Notre Dame Stadium in South Bend, Indiana on the campus of the University of Notre Dame. The game is notable for being Notre Dame's first victory over a team ranked #1 in the nation since 1993.

2020 Clemson vs. Notre Dame football game

The 2020 Clemson vs. Notre Dame football game was a regular season college football game between ACC members Clemson (Undefeated and ranked #1 in the nation) and Notre Dame (Undefeated and ranked #4 in the nation). The game took place at Notre Dame Stadium in South Bend, Indiana on the campus of the University of Notre Dame. The game is notable for being Notre Dame's first victory over a team ranked #1 in the nation since 1993.