24th Submarine Division (Russia)

The 24th Submarine Division (Russian: Дивизия АПЛ СФ 24) is a unit of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy. The Russian name consists of Дивизия (diviziya - division) АПЛ (APL as an abbreviation of Атомная подводная лодка - Atomic Submarine) СФ (SF as an abbreviation of Severni flot - Northern Fleet) and the division number 24 together.

24th Submarine Division (Russia)

The 24th Submarine Division (Russian: Дивизия АПЛ СФ 24) is a unit of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy. The Russian name consists of Дивизия (diviziya - division) АПЛ (APL as an abbreviation of Атомная подводная лодка - Atomic Submarine) СФ (SF as an abbreviation of Severni flot - Northern Fleet) and the division number 24 together.