29 settembre

29 settembre (29th of September) is a song composed in 1966 by Italian musician Lucio Battisti and lyricist Mogol and brought to success by Equipe 84 in March 1967. It topped the Italian charts for five weeks and led to Battisti's definitive affirmation as a composer. It is Notable for the innovative lyrics and sound heavily influenced by psychedelia, so much so that the song is nicknamed "Italy's Sergeant Pepper's" for the impact and the influence it had on the Italian music scene.

29 settembre

29 settembre (29th of September) is a song composed in 1966 by Italian musician Lucio Battisti and lyricist Mogol and brought to success by Equipe 84 in March 1967. It topped the Italian charts for five weeks and led to Battisti's definitive affirmation as a composer. It is Notable for the innovative lyrics and sound heavily influenced by psychedelia, so much so that the song is nicknamed "Italy's Sergeant Pepper's" for the impact and the influence it had on the Italian music scene.