30 January 1939 Reichstag speech

On 30 January 1939, Nazi German dictator Adolf Hitler gave a speech in the Reichstag, which is best known for the prediction he made that "the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe" would ensue if another world war were to occur. Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels helped write the speech, which was delivered on the sixth anniversary of Hitler's seizure of power in 1933. The speech lasted two or two-and-a-half hours. It dealt with both the foreign and domestic policies of the Nazi government.

30 January 1939 Reichstag speech

On 30 January 1939, Nazi German dictator Adolf Hitler gave a speech in the Reichstag, which is best known for the prediction he made that "the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe" would ensue if another world war were to occur. Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels helped write the speech, which was delivered on the sixth anniversary of Hitler's seizure of power in 1933. The speech lasted two or two-and-a-half hours. It dealt with both the foreign and domestic policies of the Nazi government.