3D Virtual Creature Evolution

3D Virtual Creature Evolution, abbreviated to 3DVCE, is an artificial evolution simulation program created by Lee Graham. The website is currently down. Its purpose is to visualize and research common themes in body plans and strategies to achieve a fitness function of the artificial organisms generated and maintained by the system in their given environment. The program was inspired by Karl Sims’ 1994 artificial evolution program, Evolved Virtual Creatures. The program is run through volunteers who download the program from the home website and return information from completed simulations. It is currently available on Windows and in some cases Linux.

3D Virtual Creature Evolution

3D Virtual Creature Evolution, abbreviated to 3DVCE, is an artificial evolution simulation program created by Lee Graham. The website is currently down. Its purpose is to visualize and research common themes in body plans and strategies to achieve a fitness function of the artificial organisms generated and maintained by the system in their given environment. The program was inspired by Karl Sims’ 1994 artificial evolution program, Evolved Virtual Creatures. The program is run through volunteers who download the program from the home website and return information from completed simulations. It is currently available on Windows and in some cases Linux.