542 Sea of Marmara earthquake

The 542 Sea of Marmara earthquake took place in the winter of 542 in the vicinity of the Sea of Marmara. It also affected the coasts of Thrace and the Edremit Gulf. The earthquake affected the eastern Roman empire during the reign of the emperor Justinian I. The same event is described by the historian Michael Glykas (12th century), who mentions that the event coincided with an outbreak of pestilence in Constantinople. The pestilence was likely the so-called Plague of Justinian. Glykas' dating places the earthquake and tsunami between September 542 and January 543.

542 Sea of Marmara earthquake

The 542 Sea of Marmara earthquake took place in the winter of 542 in the vicinity of the Sea of Marmara. It also affected the coasts of Thrace and the Edremit Gulf. The earthquake affected the eastern Roman empire during the reign of the emperor Justinian I. The same event is described by the historian Michael Glykas (12th century), who mentions that the event coincided with an outbreak of pestilence in Constantinople. The pestilence was likely the so-called Plague of Justinian. Glykas' dating places the earthquake and tsunami between September 542 and January 543.