747 (performance art)

747 is a piece of performance art by Chris Burden. Burden was photographed firing shots with a pistol at a Boeing 747 passenger airplane while it took off from Los Angeles International Airport at about 8am on January 5, 1973. The piece had a single witness, photographer Terry McDonnell, who filmed the act. Burden was interviewed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) several years after 747 after a photograph of the piece was published in a magazine. A calling card was left by the FBI at his studio and a meeting took place at his lawyer's house. Burden's lawyer explained to the person from the FBI of the nature of Burden's work in performance art.

747 (performance art)

747 is a piece of performance art by Chris Burden. Burden was photographed firing shots with a pistol at a Boeing 747 passenger airplane while it took off from Los Angeles International Airport at about 8am on January 5, 1973. The piece had a single witness, photographer Terry McDonnell, who filmed the act. Burden was interviewed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) several years after 747 after a photograph of the piece was published in a magazine. A calling card was left by the FBI at his studio and a meeting took place at his lawyer's house. Burden's lawyer explained to the person from the FBI of the nature of Burden's work in performance art.