7 Persei

7 Persei is a star in the constellation Perseus, located 774 light years away from the Sun. While the star bears the Bayer designation Chi Persei, it is not to be confused with the entire cluster NGC 884, commonly referred to as Chi Persei. It is faintly visible to the naked eye as a dim, yellow-hued star with an apparent visual magnitude of 5.99. This object is moving closer to the Earth with a heliocentric radial velocity of −12.5 km/s.

7 Persei

7 Persei is a star in the constellation Perseus, located 774 light years away from the Sun. While the star bears the Bayer designation Chi Persei, it is not to be confused with the entire cluster NGC 884, commonly referred to as Chi Persei. It is faintly visible to the naked eye as a dim, yellow-hued star with an apparent visual magnitude of 5.99. This object is moving closer to the Earth with a heliocentric radial velocity of −12.5 km/s.