84 Avenue Foch

84 Avenue Foch (German: Avenue Foch vierundachtzig) was the Parisian headquarters of the Sicherheitsdienst (SD), the counter-intelligence branch of the SS during the German occupation of Paris in World War II. The Avenue Foch is a wide residential boulevard in the 16th arrondissement that connects the Arc de Triomphe with the Porte Dauphine. During the German occupation of northern France, the buildings at numbers 82 and 86 - either side of 84 - were also commandeered by the German occupation forces.

84 Avenue Foch

84 Avenue Foch (German: Avenue Foch vierundachtzig) was the Parisian headquarters of the Sicherheitsdienst (SD), the counter-intelligence branch of the SS during the German occupation of Paris in World War II. The Avenue Foch is a wide residential boulevard in the 16th arrondissement that connects the Arc de Triomphe with the Porte Dauphine. During the German occupation of northern France, the buildings at numbers 82 and 86 - either side of 84 - were also commandeered by the German occupation forces.