8th Quebec Legislature

The 8th Legislative Assembly of Quebec was the provincial legislature in Quebec, Canada that existed from March 8, 1892, to March 6, 1897. The Quebec Conservative Party was the governing party for the last time in Quebec. Charles Boucher de Boucherville was the Premier for much of 1892; Louis-Olivier Taillon ran the province for most of the mandate until he was replaced by Edmund James Flynn during the final year. The Conservatives would remain the opposition party until 1935, when they merged with the Union Nationale which won the elections held the following year.

8th Quebec Legislature

The 8th Legislative Assembly of Quebec was the provincial legislature in Quebec, Canada that existed from March 8, 1892, to March 6, 1897. The Quebec Conservative Party was the governing party for the last time in Quebec. Charles Boucher de Boucherville was the Premier for much of 1892; Louis-Olivier Taillon ran the province for most of the mandate until he was replaced by Edmund James Flynn during the final year. The Conservatives would remain the opposition party until 1935, when they merged with the Union Nationale which won the elections held the following year.