908 Taiwan Republic Campaign

The 908 Taiwan Republic Campaign is an umbrella organization of a small activist groups for the goal of Taiwan independence. It is led by Peter Wang (王獻極). The group takes its name from the date, September 8, that they mark as the utopian Taiwanese Independence Day. It is the date that Japan signed the Treaty of San Francisco in 1951. The treaty officially ended World War II and also Japan's territorial claims over Taiwan. The group has written a so-called Declaration of Independence for Taiwan, usually publicized at the group's events. The groups stated goals before December 2008 were:

908 Taiwan Republic Campaign

The 908 Taiwan Republic Campaign is an umbrella organization of a small activist groups for the goal of Taiwan independence. It is led by Peter Wang (王獻極). The group takes its name from the date, September 8, that they mark as the utopian Taiwanese Independence Day. It is the date that Japan signed the Treaty of San Francisco in 1951. The treaty officially ended World War II and also Japan's territorial claims over Taiwan. The group has written a so-called Declaration of Independence for Taiwan, usually publicized at the group's events. The groups stated goals before December 2008 were: