9 Ceti

9 Ceti is the Flamsteed designation for a star in the equatorial constellation of Cetus. It has an apparent visual magnitude of 6.39, which is below the limit that can be seen with the naked eye by a typical observer. (According to the Bortle scale, it is possible for some observers to see it from dark rural skies.) Based upon parallax measurements, this star is 69.5 light years away from the Sun. There is a magnitude 12.57 optical companion at an angular separation of 214 arc seconds along a position angle of 294° (as of 1999), although the pair are not physically associated as they have different proper motions.

9 Ceti

9 Ceti is the Flamsteed designation for a star in the equatorial constellation of Cetus. It has an apparent visual magnitude of 6.39, which is below the limit that can be seen with the naked eye by a typical observer. (According to the Bortle scale, it is possible for some observers to see it from dark rural skies.) Based upon parallax measurements, this star is 69.5 light years away from the Sun. There is a magnitude 12.57 optical companion at an angular separation of 214 arc seconds along a position angle of 294° (as of 1999), although the pair are not physically associated as they have different proper motions.