ASC (dinghy)

The ASC or Admiralty Sailing Craft (sometimes incorrectly called Admiralty Sea Cadet) is a purpose built, rugged GRP or wood sailing dinghy, historically with gunter rig, with a bermuda rig optional, designed for use by UK naval and sea cadet establishments as a pulling or sailing dinghy. It is a substantial craft, usually left on a mooring in quiet waters rather than being slipway launched. It is intended for a total crew of up to 8 although it can be sculled single-handed.

ASC (dinghy)

The ASC or Admiralty Sailing Craft (sometimes incorrectly called Admiralty Sea Cadet) is a purpose built, rugged GRP or wood sailing dinghy, historically with gunter rig, with a bermuda rig optional, designed for use by UK naval and sea cadet establishments as a pulling or sailing dinghy. It is a substantial craft, usually left on a mooring in quiet waters rather than being slipway launched. It is intended for a total crew of up to 8 although it can be sculled single-handed.