A Dutch Courtyard

A Dutch Courtyard (1658–1660) is an oil on canvas painting by the Dutch painter Pieter de Hooch, it is an example of Dutch Golden Age painting and is part of the collection of the Mauritshuis Museum in The Hague, Netherlands. This painting by de Hooch (sometimes referred to as de Hoogh) was documented by Hofstede de Groot in 1910, who wrote: Sales: Now [in 1910], probably, in the collection of Mr. Alfred de Rothschild.

A Dutch Courtyard

A Dutch Courtyard (1658–1660) is an oil on canvas painting by the Dutch painter Pieter de Hooch, it is an example of Dutch Golden Age painting and is part of the collection of the Mauritshuis Museum in The Hague, Netherlands. This painting by de Hooch (sometimes referred to as de Hoogh) was documented by Hofstede de Groot in 1910, who wrote: Sales: Now [in 1910], probably, in the collection of Mr. Alfred de Rothschild.