A Little Bit of Fluff (1919 film)

A Little Bit of Fluff is a 1919 British silent comedy film directed by Kenelm Foss and Geoffrey H. Malins and starring Ernest Thesiger, Dorothy Minto and Bertie Wright. The film is an adaptation of the popular stage farce of the same name by Walter W. Ellis. Ernest Thesiger reprised his stage success as Bertram Tully, as did Alfred Drayton (Dr. Bigland) and Stanley Lathbury (Nixon Trippet). The play was filmed again in 1928. The 1919 version was made at the Kew Bridge Studios in London.

A Little Bit of Fluff (1919 film)

A Little Bit of Fluff is a 1919 British silent comedy film directed by Kenelm Foss and Geoffrey H. Malins and starring Ernest Thesiger, Dorothy Minto and Bertie Wright. The film is an adaptation of the popular stage farce of the same name by Walter W. Ellis. Ernest Thesiger reprised his stage success as Bertram Tully, as did Alfred Drayton (Dr. Bigland) and Stanley Lathbury (Nixon Trippet). The play was filmed again in 1928. The 1919 version was made at the Kew Bridge Studios in London.