Aarne Kauhanen

Aarne (Ari) Emil Kauhanen (November 29, 1909 Helsinki - October 11, 1949 Venezuela) was a Finnish officer of the Central Detective Police (EK) and its successor, the State Police (ValPo), with special responsibility for aliens in the 1930s and 1940s. He also acted as a liaison between the Finnish and Nazi German police authorities and was involved in the recruitment of the Finnish SS Battalion. Anti-Semitic Kauhanen was guilty of beatings and even torture during interrogations during the Continuation War. After the war, he escaped to South America, where Kauhanen died in unclear circumstances in 1949.

Aarne Kauhanen

Aarne (Ari) Emil Kauhanen (November 29, 1909 Helsinki - October 11, 1949 Venezuela) was a Finnish officer of the Central Detective Police (EK) and its successor, the State Police (ValPo), with special responsibility for aliens in the 1930s and 1940s. He also acted as a liaison between the Finnish and Nazi German police authorities and was involved in the recruitment of the Finnish SS Battalion. Anti-Semitic Kauhanen was guilty of beatings and even torture during interrogations during the Continuation War. After the war, he escaped to South America, where Kauhanen died in unclear circumstances in 1949.