Aat Breur-Hibma

Aat (Adri) Breur-Hibma (28 December 1913 – 31 December 2002) was a Dutch draftswoman and painter. During World War II, she entered the Dutch resistance and ended up as a Nacht und Nebel prisoner in Ravensbrück. There she made poignant pencil drawings of fellow prisoners that are preserved at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. She was recognised as Righteous Among the Nations in 1995.

Aat Breur-Hibma

Aat (Adri) Breur-Hibma (28 December 1913 – 31 December 2002) was a Dutch draftswoman and painter. During World War II, she entered the Dutch resistance and ended up as a Nacht und Nebel prisoner in Ravensbrück. There she made poignant pencil drawings of fellow prisoners that are preserved at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. She was recognised as Righteous Among the Nations in 1995.