Abdul Madzhid (Dagestan rebel)

Ilgar Mollachiev, better known as Emir Abdul Madzhid (Majid), was the militant leader of the Shariat Jamaat of the Caucasian Front in the Second Chechen War, in the volatile southern Russian republic of Dagestan. He was the deputy of Rappani Khalilov until Khalilov's death in September 2007. He was then appointed the new leader of the Shariat Jamaat by the orders of Dokka Umarov. His nationality was Tsakhur. Known by his Bazaeva family

Abdul Madzhid (Dagestan rebel)

Ilgar Mollachiev, better known as Emir Abdul Madzhid (Majid), was the militant leader of the Shariat Jamaat of the Caucasian Front in the Second Chechen War, in the volatile southern Russian republic of Dagestan. He was the deputy of Rappani Khalilov until Khalilov's death in September 2007. He was then appointed the new leader of the Shariat Jamaat by the orders of Dokka Umarov. His nationality was Tsakhur. Known by his Bazaeva family