Abdulkadir Kebire

Abdulkadir Mohamed Saleh Kebire was born in 1902 at Desiet Island around Massawa. He attended Quranic school followed by the Ferdinando Martini School for his elementary education. At the age of 18, Abdulkadir left for Egypt for pursuit of education and it is where he witnessed the revolution of Saad Zeqlul against the British, an incident that left its mark on him and shaped his rebellious character. A self-educated person, Abdulkadir become more interested in politics and was determined to make a change in his country to improve the livelihood of his people.

Abdulkadir Kebire

Abdulkadir Mohamed Saleh Kebire was born in 1902 at Desiet Island around Massawa. He attended Quranic school followed by the Ferdinando Martini School for his elementary education. At the age of 18, Abdulkadir left for Egypt for pursuit of education and it is where he witnessed the revolution of Saad Zeqlul against the British, an incident that left its mark on him and shaped his rebellious character. A self-educated person, Abdulkadir become more interested in politics and was determined to make a change in his country to improve the livelihood of his people.