Abecedarium (Trubar)

Abecedarium (Abecedary)—along with Catechismus (Catechism)—is the first printed book in Slovene. It is an eight-leaf booklet for helping people learn the alphabet. The protestant reformer Primož Trubar had it printed in 1550 in the schwabacher (Gothic script), and reprinted with some corrections in the Latin script in 1555 and 1566. An improved version of it was also printed by Sebastjan Krelj in 1566. Both Abecedarium and Catechismus are significant in the development of Slovene.

Abecedarium (Trubar)

Abecedarium (Abecedary)—along with Catechismus (Catechism)—is the first printed book in Slovene. It is an eight-leaf booklet for helping people learn the alphabet. The protestant reformer Primož Trubar had it printed in 1550 in the schwabacher (Gothic script), and reprinted with some corrections in the Latin script in 1555 and 1566. An improved version of it was also printed by Sebastjan Krelj in 1566. Both Abecedarium and Catechismus are significant in the development of Slovene.