Abschied von den Wolken

Abschied von den Wolken (English: Farewell to the Clouds) is a 1959 German aviation adventure film directed by Gottfried Reinhardt, written by Georg Hurdalek, based on a story by Ladislas Fodor. The film stars O. W. Fischer, Peter van Eyck, Sonja Ziemann, Horst Frank, Linda Christian and Paul Dahlke. When marketed in the United States, the film was renamed Rebel Flight to Cuba

Abschied von den Wolken

Abschied von den Wolken (English: Farewell to the Clouds) is a 1959 German aviation adventure film directed by Gottfried Reinhardt, written by Georg Hurdalek, based on a story by Ladislas Fodor. The film stars O. W. Fischer, Peter van Eyck, Sonja Ziemann, Horst Frank, Linda Christian and Paul Dahlke. When marketed in the United States, the film was renamed Rebel Flight to Cuba