Abstraction (sociology)

Sociological Abstraction refers to the varying levels at which theoretical concepts can be understood. It is a tool for objectifying and simplifying sociological concepts. This idea is very similar to the philosophical understanding of abstraction. There are two basic levels of sociological abstraction: sociological concepts and operationalized sociological concepts. * Alien, stateless person, asylum seeker, refugee * Person * Citizen * Partnership, marriage * Families * Household * Neighborhood * Clan * Tribe * Community * Village, town, city * Formal organization * State

Abstraction (sociology)

Sociological Abstraction refers to the varying levels at which theoretical concepts can be understood. It is a tool for objectifying and simplifying sociological concepts. This idea is very similar to the philosophical understanding of abstraction. There are two basic levels of sociological abstraction: sociological concepts and operationalized sociological concepts. * Alien, stateless person, asylum seeker, refugee * Person * Citizen * Partnership, marriage * Families * Household * Neighborhood * Clan * Tribe * Community * Village, town, city * Formal organization * State