Abu Mansur Mauhub al-Jawaliqi

Abū Manṣūr Mauhūb al-Jawālīqī (Arabic: أبو منصور الجواليقي‎) (April 1074–17 July 1144), Arab grammarian, was born in Baghdād, where he studied philology under (1030 - 1109) and became famous for his handwriting. In his later years he acted as Imam to the Abbāsid caliph Al-Muqtafi.

Abu Mansur Mauhub al-Jawaliqi

Abū Manṣūr Mauhūb al-Jawālīqī (Arabic: أبو منصور الجواليقي‎) (April 1074–17 July 1144), Arab grammarian, was born in Baghdād, where he studied philology under (1030 - 1109) and became famous for his handwriting. In his later years he acted as Imam to the Abbāsid caliph Al-Muqtafi.