Abu Yaqub al-Sijistani

Abū Ya'qūb al-Sijistānī (Persian: ابو یعقوب سجستانی‎) or Sijzi (fl. 971 CE) was a Persian Ismaili missionary and Neo-Platonic philosopher, who died sometime around or after 971 CE (358 AH). Abū Ya'qūb al-Sijistānī most likely originally comes from the Persian Central Asian lands who has been the appointed a chief da'i of Sistan (Sijistan in Arabic). There are evidences that he was also active in northern Iraq and Khurasan. Sijistani was the student of al-Nasafi, a prominent Central Asian Ismaili dai who has been reported to have converted the Samanid shah Nasr II. Sijistani, in contrast to his teacher, accepted the Imamate of the Fatimid Imam around after 950 despite initially preaching the coming of Muhammad Ibn Ismaili as Mahdi alongside the Qarmatis. Al-Sajistani has been accredited by

Abu Yaqub al-Sijistani

Abū Ya'qūb al-Sijistānī (Persian: ابو یعقوب سجستانی‎) or Sijzi (fl. 971 CE) was a Persian Ismaili missionary and Neo-Platonic philosopher, who died sometime around or after 971 CE (358 AH). Abū Ya'qūb al-Sijistānī most likely originally comes from the Persian Central Asian lands who has been the appointed a chief da'i of Sistan (Sijistan in Arabic). There are evidences that he was also active in northern Iraq and Khurasan. Sijistani was the student of al-Nasafi, a prominent Central Asian Ismaili dai who has been reported to have converted the Samanid shah Nasr II. Sijistani, in contrast to his teacher, accepted the Imamate of the Fatimid Imam around after 950 despite initially preaching the coming of Muhammad Ibn Ismaili as Mahdi alongside the Qarmatis. Al-Sajistani has been accredited by