Acacia Johnson

Acacia Johnson (born 1990) is an American photographer from Alaska who since 2014 has focused on the polar regions. She has made over fifty expeditions to Greenland, the Norwegian island of Svalbard, the Canadian Arctic and Antarctica, lecturing on photography and indigenous peoples. Johnson has contributed to National Geographic, most recently in a feature on Baffin Island (September 2019). Her work forms part of the permanent collections of the Smithsonian and the Anchorage Museum.

Acacia Johnson

Acacia Johnson (born 1990) is an American photographer from Alaska who since 2014 has focused on the polar regions. She has made over fifty expeditions to Greenland, the Norwegian island of Svalbard, the Canadian Arctic and Antarctica, lecturing on photography and indigenous peoples. Johnson has contributed to National Geographic, most recently in a feature on Baffin Island (September 2019). Her work forms part of the permanent collections of the Smithsonian and the Anchorage Museum.