Acacia fulva

Acacia fulva, known colloquially as velvet wattle or soft wattle, is a species of Acacia native to eastern Australia. Acacia fulva grows as a shrub or tree, ranging anywhere from 1.5 to 15 m in height. Young trees have smooth grey-green bark, which darkens and becomes rough and fissured with age. New growth is covered in red-brown velvety hairs. The silver-grey leaves are pinnate, with 4-12 pairs of pinnae, each 3-7.5 cm long. Each pinna in turn is made up of 11 to 28 pairs of 3–10 mm-long pinnules. Flowering occurs from November till June, the yellow flowerheads arranged in axillary and terminal panicles or racemes. Each small round flower head is composed of 20 to 40 individual flowers. Flowering is followed by the development of the 2–12 cm-long leathery seed pods, which are ripe betwee

Acacia fulva

Acacia fulva, known colloquially as velvet wattle or soft wattle, is a species of Acacia native to eastern Australia. Acacia fulva grows as a shrub or tree, ranging anywhere from 1.5 to 15 m in height. Young trees have smooth grey-green bark, which darkens and becomes rough and fissured with age. New growth is covered in red-brown velvety hairs. The silver-grey leaves are pinnate, with 4-12 pairs of pinnae, each 3-7.5 cm long. Each pinna in turn is made up of 11 to 28 pairs of 3–10 mm-long pinnules. Flowering occurs from November till June, the yellow flowerheads arranged in axillary and terminal panicles or racemes. Each small round flower head is composed of 20 to 40 individual flowers. Flowering is followed by the development of the 2–12 cm-long leathery seed pods, which are ripe betwee