Acid Head

"Acid Head" is a song recorded by the American garage rock band the Velvet Illusions. It first appeared as the A-side to the group's debut single, which was released on Tell International Records in mid-1966. The writing of the composition is credited to keyboardist Steve Weed and the group's manager George Radford, however, it is reported that "Acid Head" actually originated from an outside composer. At the time of its first release, the tune suffered from limited radio-play time. Over time, "Acid Head" has since become recognized as a garage rock classic and is widely accessible on multiple compilation albums.

Acid Head

"Acid Head" is a song recorded by the American garage rock band the Velvet Illusions. It first appeared as the A-side to the group's debut single, which was released on Tell International Records in mid-1966. The writing of the composition is credited to keyboardist Steve Weed and the group's manager George Radford, however, it is reported that "Acid Head" actually originated from an outside composer. At the time of its first release, the tune suffered from limited radio-play time. Over time, "Acid Head" has since become recognized as a garage rock classic and is widely accessible on multiple compilation albums.