Acoustic metamaterial

An acoustic metamaterial, sonic crystal, or phononic crystal, is a material designed to control, direct, and manipulate sound waves or phonons in gases, liquids, and solids (crystal lattices). Sound wave control is accomplished through manipulating parameters such as the bulk modulus β, density ρ, and chirality. They can be engineered to either transmit, or trap and amplify sound waves at certain frequencies. In the latter case, the material is an acoustic resonator.

Acoustic metamaterial

An acoustic metamaterial, sonic crystal, or phononic crystal, is a material designed to control, direct, and manipulate sound waves or phonons in gases, liquids, and solids (crystal lattices). Sound wave control is accomplished through manipulating parameters such as the bulk modulus β, density ρ, and chirality. They can be engineered to either transmit, or trap and amplify sound waves at certain frequencies. In the latter case, the material is an acoustic resonator.