Acuerdos del extinguido Cabildo de Buenos Aires

Acuerdos del extinguido Cabildo de Buenos Aires is a series of books that contain the transcripts of the historical records of the Buenos Aires Cabildo. It was initially transcribed by the initiative of the Mayor of Buenos Aires Torcuato de Alvear, and then by the National Government that ordered the authorities of the General Archive of the Argentine Nation to complete the work.

Acuerdos del extinguido Cabildo de Buenos Aires

Acuerdos del extinguido Cabildo de Buenos Aires is a series of books that contain the transcripts of the historical records of the Buenos Aires Cabildo. It was initially transcribed by the initiative of the Mayor of Buenos Aires Torcuato de Alvear, and then by the National Government that ordered the authorities of the General Archive of the Argentine Nation to complete the work.