Adam Wybe

Adam Wybe, also known as Adam Wiebe (born July 12, 1584 in Harlingen, Friesland, died in 1653 in Danzig (Gdańsk)), was an engineer and inventor of Dutch origin, active mainly in Danzig. His work includes the world's first cable car on multiple supports in 1644. It was the biggest built until the end of the 19th century. Outside of his village of origin- Harlingen, Friesland- no details are known of his youth and there is no record on his parents. His wife's name was Margarethe.

Adam Wybe

Adam Wybe, also known as Adam Wiebe (born July 12, 1584 in Harlingen, Friesland, died in 1653 in Danzig (Gdańsk)), was an engineer and inventor of Dutch origin, active mainly in Danzig. His work includes the world's first cable car on multiple supports in 1644. It was the biggest built until the end of the 19th century. Outside of his village of origin- Harlingen, Friesland- no details are known of his youth and there is no record on his parents. His wife's name was Margarethe.