Adjournment sine die

Adjournment sine die (from the Latin "without day") means "without assigning a day for a further meeting or hearing". To adjourn an assembly sine die is to adjourn it for an indefinite period. A legislative body adjourns sine die when it adjourns without appointing a day on which to appear or assemble again. A corporate board might adjourn sine die if the corporation were being sold, merged, or liquidated. A convention or a series of mass meetings would adjourn sine die if the business of these meetings has been completed. In these cases, the adjournment dissolves the body.

Adjournment sine die

Adjournment sine die (from the Latin "without day") means "without assigning a day for a further meeting or hearing". To adjourn an assembly sine die is to adjourn it for an indefinite period. A legislative body adjourns sine die when it adjourns without appointing a day on which to appear or assemble again. A corporate board might adjourn sine die if the corporation were being sold, merged, or liquidated. A convention or a series of mass meetings would adjourn sine die if the business of these meetings has been completed. In these cases, the adjournment dissolves the body.