Adolfo Laurenti

Adolfo Laurenti (1856-1944) was an Italian sculptor. He was born in Monte Porzio Catone. He studied at the Accademia di San Luca in Rome. He sculpted a number of monuments around his home province and in the Lazio. Laurenti was prolific in the production of portraits and monuments. At Turin, in 1880, he displayed busts of an Arab, and of a prophet (Augur) and a Roman senator (awarded a prize). In 1888 in Rome, he displayed Nero; Le smorfie dei satiri, e Una partita a palline sulle rive del Tevere. He sculpted a bust of (1905) in bronze, located in the of Mantua.

Adolfo Laurenti

Adolfo Laurenti (1856-1944) was an Italian sculptor. He was born in Monte Porzio Catone. He studied at the Accademia di San Luca in Rome. He sculpted a number of monuments around his home province and in the Lazio. Laurenti was prolific in the production of portraits and monuments. At Turin, in 1880, he displayed busts of an Arab, and of a prophet (Augur) and a Roman senator (awarded a prize). In 1888 in Rome, he displayed Nero; Le smorfie dei satiri, e Una partita a palline sulle rive del Tevere. He sculpted a bust of (1905) in bronze, located in the of Mantua.