Adrienne Arieff

Adrienne Arieff is an entrepreneur and author of several books, including the controversial book The Sacred Thread. She wrote The Sacred Thread after traveling to India and hiring a woman there to serve as a surrogate mother for her twin daughters that were conceived via in vitro fertilisation. Arieff’s positive treatment of surrogacy prompted debate over the ethical and legal status of paying poor women to serve as surrogate mothers. She is the sister of design writer Allison Arieff.

Adrienne Arieff

Adrienne Arieff is an entrepreneur and author of several books, including the controversial book The Sacred Thread. She wrote The Sacred Thread after traveling to India and hiring a woman there to serve as a surrogate mother for her twin daughters that were conceived via in vitro fertilisation. Arieff’s positive treatment of surrogacy prompted debate over the ethical and legal status of paying poor women to serve as surrogate mothers. She is the sister of design writer Allison Arieff.